Little Children carry Godly wisdom

I just came back after playing guitar for a worship service. I was asked in the last minute to play and I was not sure i should accept it as Saturday I was playing for a programme in Liverpool and came home only by 1 am and slept by 2 am and this service was by 8 am which means I have to be there by 7:30. But I got up and left as I really wanted to worship GOD this morning and talk to him.

After the worship the pastor said we are going to have a testimony from a 4 year old girl who has had spent half her life time in surgeries and who now goes around with a tube attached to her nose. Her testimony was she recited psalm 23 and it got me to tears sitting there. She has had liver transplants, surgery done to her eyes etc.. and here she comes and recites The lord is my shepherd I shall not want and when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for you are with me.
And as that was not enough to wake my faith up, another little child stood up who was 5 years old, and she said she has a severe travel sickness so far but she prayed to GOD that when she goes out with her class on a picnic she did not want to get sick and praise GOD she was perfectly alright. Now well that was a real shot at faith in GOD.

And then another boy stands up aged 6 who is a footballer. Said he prayed to GOD to remove the pain that he had in his Knee so that he could play football and GOD sure did.Now I was feeling a bit bad about my faith over the last few months, well I did trust in GOD but my focus was on the situation and I got drained of all my positive energy so as to say. It was a very tiring morning but the Lord has refreshed my spirit and reminded me of something that I already knew so well.. Faith like a child. All the above children took their eyes off their situation and focussed their eyes on GOD.
Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3).....I think because the more we grow the more we start reasoning and need evidences and confirmations .. whereas faith is simply trusting in GOD and believing, I mite not see what I need to see and hear what I need to hear but I believe that GOD can do it, just like the little child who said even when I walk through the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.
Finally a picture that caught my eye..
