Is Poverty really history ?

I havent really thought about writing this one.. but this picture got my attention to the extent that I have given it some further thought.. Recently one of my friends mentioned to me as to how much food is in excess in her country.. what people call a full portion here is a small portion there..
On the other hand what is a small portion here is actually a week's meal for a person in some parts of the world.. Poverty has been around for years and years now.. is there a solution to it.. education was meant to release people from poverty but has not served it's purpose.. technology in some ways was seen as the ultimate to end poverty by giving people a self sustaining technological solution.. it seems that anything in the wrong hands will never be right..
There are so many times when I have wasted so much food.. remember when I used to grow up my grandmom used to tel me.. one speck of rice that you waste will leave you hungry for one day.. when I grew up I never used to waste even a speck of rice.. but now I seldom do think about it.. I don't understand the imbalance that has happened over they years.. when GOD put Adam and Eve it was in a well thought , full of life garden and then came SIN and ruined that.. over the years.. the same man kind has created a world which rules itself by it's race, colour and ethinicity.. what has become more important is the identity that one has been born with..
I dont seem to have an answer to the questions that I ask myself.. but I sure do know that I can do my part whilst I am still here in this world.. Just as GOD has planned it for me...there are lot's of disappointments and hurts which only GOD knows.. and he has assured me that he will take care of them all.. Life is so fragile.. I mite have a good job. money in the bank for security, friends to hang around, prayer group to sustain us, good health..a understanding, caring, truthful and loving wife but imagine over night I get stuck with cancer or I loose my leg or something which makes me scarred for life or even that doctors give me a date till which I will live.. what happens then.. my job will be gone, friends hmm will be gone.. wife not sure (cant comment on that).. but what will never change is Jesus will still be there to sustain..
I know my thoughts have roller coasted tonight.. and I am not sure if what I have written here makes sense.. hmmmm maybe in a day's time when I read it again will figure it out . .till then.. Good night and God Bless...