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Been wanting to write and rant for sometime now.Dont want to open up with people and add to their miseries or minus their happiness.. there was a time when I used to handle training programmes on work life balance and today HOME is the only place I have been over the last 16 months. I wish my life was like in the picture in three different directions but hmmmmm it is all on one direction. Cant believe to myself that I have been out of work so much over the last two years. Was planning to do an MBA the wrong choice ? was meeting people along the way the wrong choice ? how did I ever give up a Job and move in to another country ? was it worth it ? or is it really that I am in the right place at the right time....
Have good place to live in, nice people to live with and this work eludes me.. just like other things in life that eludes me...some people are very genuine and they care and they want the best for you. they stand with you in times of sadness and want to just hang in there(they mean it by taking their time and patting your back).. and there are some who are close to you but they are so engulfed in their own lifes and their feelings, happiness..they say they they really wish all goes well but hey the next time you meet them they will say the same thing.. and thats when they will remember you either... in reality the word care is just to say it because thats what one should be saying to someone in a tight situation.. do people who you meet really care that i dont have a Job..I am not sure they do .. and if they did there will be a minute in a 24 hr day to just say a word of prayer or sent a word of encouragement..
How long do I persevere.. why am I not able to see GOD's hand move in my life.. is this the phase he had planned it this way for me.. or maybe like I don't learn from my mistakes because as Epictetus said long time ago . ." It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows"" I think I know the reality of Life.. I think I have been through times and this present time has caught me by surprise... why is it that all along I stood my ground .... GOD brought me this far from nothing to something and am I questioning his hand in my life.. Guess not I am sure that GOD is in control of my life.. but the present situation is making me rant a few lines... I remember what I listened on radio some days ago. . and I am quoting it . .
Satan Tempts Us...
"Satan tempts us at the point of our physical needs, not that we might gratify them to excess, but that we might think of nothing else and gratify them at the expense of our usefulness in this world. Satan tempts us at the point of our ambitions, not that we might engage in positive evil, but simply accept the fact of evil, learn to live with it, come to terms with it, and maintain a discreet silence in the presence of it. Satan tempts us at the point of our religion, not that we might disbelieve in God, but that we might demand certainty — that kind of certainty of God that leaves nothing to faith, nothing to God Himself. These are the moral struggles that have reality for people such as we are. The subtle temptation to renounce our duty in favor of what is attractive. That insidious allurement to a kind of half goodness which is the essence of everything bad, and which is more productive of suffering and hatred, war and misery in this world than all the designs of wicked and greedy people combined."
Arthur Leonard Griffith in his book “God’s Time and Ours” as quoted by Ravi Zacharias on his radio program Let My People Think in the message entitled: Absolute Truth in Relative Terms (pt.
Someone said Knowledge when not used at the right time will evaporate.. and the fear that I will loose what I have learn t is also there.. but one thing is sure abvious my passion to accomplish for CHRIST is becoming more clear.. no matter what the cost is it will be worth it all.. to quote Ravi Zach . .
Leave as Peter left, Paul left, Judson left, David Livingstone left unless we leave the confines of some of our security some nations in the world will be left untouched. Young people Wherever you want to build an altar would you ask GOD if he demand of you to leave for his glory you are willing to do it. in the coming years I will be building a family alter by HIS grace and want to remember then the commitment that I made to HIM. . .
And finally the bigger picture is unfolds in the quote below . ..
"" ALTHOUGH the threads of my life have often seemed knotted, I know, by faith, that on the other side of the embroidery there is a crown """
Corrie ten Boom, My Heart Sings