What do you want to see

I have seen many optical illusions and never thought about it. This week my flat mate Kevin had his eye tests and in his receipt he had the company's logo and their slogan written which said "What do you want to see" and that made me think sometimes Christian life also is like that. What do I want to see GOD do in my life. Do I want to see GOD work through me in a miraculous way or do I want to see GOD's guiding alone or do I want to see just a good day or last but not the least I never think about what I want to see GOD doing in my life.
The man who got healed form his blindness wanted to see his eyes opened, the man who had not walked for 38 years wanted to see himself walking again. Think faith comes out more when you want to see GOD doing in your life something which only he can do. I get very easily discouraged and have to admit i have forgotten what it is to see and seek what GOD can do with my life. When I initially came to Torquay I was more sensitive to it but as days went by and lots of things happened I live my life each day not seeking what GOD can do in my life. My quiet times have become more of an guilt trip thing. If I don't do it I feel guilty , the sense of seeking GOD's word early in the morning has gone and I am finding it difficult to memorize words.
Thank GOD he is gentle,kind and patient and he gives us chances time and time again. Every time we fail he helps us rise up and helps us to come back to him. Sometimes it can feel very disappointing to be going back to GOD with the same excuse. But thanks to all his promises and his word which constantly gives life to us. As some one rightly said ""our faith may falter, but his faithfulness, Never !
Back to the picture, either I can see a MAN's face (Jesus) or see the situation around me and look like the wearied lady walking or the sober kind of atmosphere the picture presents. Most of the times my life reflects these things when my eyes are focussed on Jesus I am happy and cheerful but when I focus on other things to be done and situations my life becomes a loners life and it hurts people around me too.
Think this will be a reminder for me each morning "What do I want to see " . .