Eric Liddell - Man who ran for GOD
Been reading the biography of Eric Liddell the man and Missionary in China after who the movie Chariots of Fire was taken. I have heard about him in one of Ravi Zacharias message and when I came to Torquay I found this book in a shop. When my birthday arrived I was asked by the volunteer representative what I wanted for my birthday, I asked them what could I ask they said anything that you would like to have in a small budget, having no or less money myself decided to ask for the book and silently told th rep that if you think it is more I will pay for the rest. Hmm but once we went to the shop the book was gone but the receptionist immediately said that they can order one for me and it will arrive in a day or two but hmm without my knowledge it arrived that evening itself and I have been reading it on and off for 2 weeks.
I am going to type an extract from the book "Running The Race" : written by John W Keddie who accounts the events in Eric's life. But what I am going to write is one of Eric's speech and what he wrote in a book.
" I would suggest the discipline of rising half hour earlier than usual and giving the time to prayer , meditation and bible study . Be careful , however, not to fall into the habit of thinking GOD can only guide you at this one special time. Be careful, too, about your attitude to others who differ from you regarding the time they find most helpful. Be prepared to change the time of your prayer if the circumstances of you life lead you to feel it necessary or advisable.
He makes his position clear in another place
The Christian rule of right and wrong is the word of GOD. It is a light for his path and an instructor to educate his conscience. The word of GOD is profitable
"for doctrine" to teach GOD's will;
"for reproof" to challenge all contrary to that will;
"for correction" to correct errors in basic thinking
"for instruction" to train the conscience to lead us in the paths .. of righteousness(2 Tim 3:16).
I liked the way he brought about the uniqueness of that time with GOD and how not be judgmental.
Below is another extract form the book on one of his speeches.
"" Young, inexperienced and without eloquence, we have come before you because we feel that we have a message for you . . . . .We feel youth has an appeal to youth, and we want to give you our experience. We are placing before you during these days the things that we have found to be best.We are setting before you one who is worthy of all our devotion --- CHRIST. He is the Saviour for the young as well as the old, and He is the one who can bring out what is best in us . .
Are you living up to the standards of Jesus Christ ? we are looking for men and women who can answer the challenge Christ is sending out... Have you sought a leader in everyday life ? In Jesus Christ you will find a leader worthy of your devotion and mine. I looked for one I could admire, and I found Christ.I am a debtor,and no wonder I am a debtor, for he has given me a message which can only be experienced . If this audience was out-and-out for Christ the whole of Edinburgh will be changed If the whole of this audience was out for Christ, it would go far past Edinburgh and through all Scotland. the last time Edinburgh was swept all Scotland was flooded. what are you going to do tonight ?
What I liked was the challenge he gave to the people those who were listening.He was convinced of his convictions. I think with Christ there is a decision that need to be made every time you hear something about him or read about him. failing to make a decision can take us through roads in Life that we were never meant to travel. But as I said in my previous post, even when our faith falters his Faithfulness doesn't. Praise GOD .
I am glad to have finally written what was in my mind in the last post. Want to also write something I read from Oswald Chambers book .
"'We are all capable of being spiritually lazy saints. We want to stay off the rough roads of Life, and our primary objective is to secure a peaceful retreat from the world. The ideas put forth in these verses from Hebrews 10 are those of stirring up one another and of keeping ourselves together.Both of these require initiative- our willingness to take the first step toward Christ-realization , not the initiative toward self-realization. To live a distant, withdrawn, and secluded life is diametrically opposed to spirituality as Jesus Christ taught it"'.
Another passage which really opened my eyes to be cautious about my experiences especially at the time when I write songs..
""Ho!Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters...."(Isaiah 55:1). Are you thirsty, or complacent and indifferent- so satisfied with YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES THAT YOU WANT NOTHING MORE OF GOD? Experience is a door way not a final Goal. Beware of building your faith on experience, or your life will not ring true and will only sound the note of a critical spirit. Have you ever lamented, expressing your sorrow before GOD for the condition of your inner life? There is no thread of self pity, only the heart-rending difficulty and amazement which comes from seeing what kind of person you really are.""
I am still thinking and pondering about the truth in the passage but wanted to also share it here.
Until next time stay blessed.
I am going to type an extract from the book "Running The Race" : written by John W Keddie who accounts the events in Eric's life. But what I am going to write is one of Eric's speech and what he wrote in a book.
" I would suggest the discipline of rising half hour earlier than usual and giving the time to prayer , meditation and bible study . Be careful , however, not to fall into the habit of thinking GOD can only guide you at this one special time. Be careful, too, about your attitude to others who differ from you regarding the time they find most helpful. Be prepared to change the time of your prayer if the circumstances of you life lead you to feel it necessary or advisable.
He makes his position clear in another place
The Christian rule of right and wrong is the word of GOD. It is a light for his path and an instructor to educate his conscience. The word of GOD is profitable
"for doctrine" to teach GOD's will;
"for reproof" to challenge all contrary to that will;
"for correction" to correct errors in basic thinking
"for instruction" to train the conscience to lead us in the paths .. of righteousness(2 Tim 3:16).
I liked the way he brought about the uniqueness of that time with GOD and how not be judgmental.
Below is another extract form the book on one of his speeches.
"" Young, inexperienced and without eloquence, we have come before you because we feel that we have a message for you . . . . .We feel youth has an appeal to youth, and we want to give you our experience. We are placing before you during these days the things that we have found to be best.We are setting before you one who is worthy of all our devotion --- CHRIST. He is the Saviour for the young as well as the old, and He is the one who can bring out what is best in us . .
Are you living up to the standards of Jesus Christ ? we are looking for men and women who can answer the challenge Christ is sending out... Have you sought a leader in everyday life ? In Jesus Christ you will find a leader worthy of your devotion and mine. I looked for one I could admire, and I found Christ.I am a debtor,and no wonder I am a debtor, for he has given me a message which can only be experienced . If this audience was out-and-out for Christ the whole of Edinburgh will be changed If the whole of this audience was out for Christ, it would go far past Edinburgh and through all Scotland. the last time Edinburgh was swept all Scotland was flooded. what are you going to do tonight ?
What I liked was the challenge he gave to the people those who were listening.He was convinced of his convictions. I think with Christ there is a decision that need to be made every time you hear something about him or read about him. failing to make a decision can take us through roads in Life that we were never meant to travel. But as I said in my previous post, even when our faith falters his Faithfulness doesn't. Praise GOD .
I am glad to have finally written what was in my mind in the last post. Want to also write something I read from Oswald Chambers book .
"'We are all capable of being spiritually lazy saints. We want to stay off the rough roads of Life, and our primary objective is to secure a peaceful retreat from the world. The ideas put forth in these verses from Hebrews 10 are those of stirring up one another and of keeping ourselves together.Both of these require initiative- our willingness to take the first step toward Christ-realization , not the initiative toward self-realization. To live a distant, withdrawn, and secluded life is diametrically opposed to spirituality as Jesus Christ taught it"'.
Another passage which really opened my eyes to be cautious about my experiences especially at the time when I write songs..
""Ho!Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters...."(Isaiah 55:1). Are you thirsty, or complacent and indifferent- so satisfied with YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES THAT YOU WANT NOTHING MORE OF GOD? Experience is a door way not a final Goal. Beware of building your faith on experience, or your life will not ring true and will only sound the note of a critical spirit. Have you ever lamented, expressing your sorrow before GOD for the condition of your inner life? There is no thread of self pity, only the heart-rending difficulty and amazement which comes from seeing what kind of person you really are.""
I am still thinking and pondering about the truth in the passage but wanted to also share it here.
Until next time stay blessed.