Kitchen Sure is a place for guys to learn ;-)

This time around I decided I am not going to mention something that I learn t over the years but write about something that just crosses/crossed my mind in recent time. Well the last few weeks has been testing times, trying to keep myself occupied and not stay doing nothing(anybody have a good definition of nothing).

Think it was sometime mid last week or week before that me and my friend were cooking (ah well for those who know me i am cooking 50% ) and we were making a beef dish. Well I was doing all the cutting and the prep part while my friend was on the stove. Suddenly I was holding on to some mustard seed and for a minute I thought, GOD must be joking. He said all that u need to have is faith like a mustard seed. I mean did he really mean faith so little/small can move mountains.

Here am I putting all my faith(by his grace) in him to guide me into the future and holding on to this time, and if someone asked me to move a mountain wud I.. well yeah u know it ! Guess my human nature makes me think GOD must be joking to have made a statement like that but there's this truth in it when u know GOD sure means what he says. Wonder what size is my faith compared to a mustard seed.

I have realized that having faith is not about only in a particular situation or a phase in one's life but an act of constant and conscious acknowledgment that GOD is in control and I needn't worry. I remember this quote by Victor Hugo which I remember reading it years and years ago which says

""There are thoughts that are prayers. There are moments when, whatsoever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees - Victor Hugo""

Well thats the way I feel now and be it in the kitchen or when I am in front of my comp the feeling is the same. I am sure most of us feel this way too more so when we are faced with a gamut of decisions which only you can and should make. Spent the whole day thinking should I write or not.. well then I am not good at writing but I am sure enjoying this at this point of time . . .

Still wanting to grow in faith and never think twice as to whether GOD is in control...

the sun's gone and it is getting darker one more day of my life in London has passed by......and somewhere in the corner of my heart I wish ... ah can time stand still !


Sujatha said…
hey inspiration from cooking:)
I must say that this is very encouraging..Personally read it at a time I needed it.

One tip: Cook more often Jasper;)
Sujatha said…
hey thats great..Jasper take my tip:cook more often:)

Personally I read this at the right time..thanks..its really encouraging:)

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