Standing alone . ..
Hmmm it is almost like taking a heavy breath and saying wow Lord so much in such a short span of time.. I am enjoying being in the center of GOD's will and as everyday passes by I am more assured of his comforting presence in my life . . there are times I think let me just pack my bags and go home and start off better from where I left . . but then I realise that perseverence is also part of GOD's plan for me . .

I see myself in situation where when I say I trust in GOD people think I am nuts.. it is almost like worldly, logically that I should have a firm foundation and then step into what GOD has in store for me. The last time I was faced with that question I thank GOD for revealing that my foundation as long as it is rooted in Christ nothing else matters. Somewhere we are made to think that GOD's work can wait till we find it right to finish all our earthly responsibilities, and forget that it is the same GOD who provides wherever we are. Somewhere in the busyness of our life and in the roles that we take in it has emerged that I have to provide for my family, I have to work on my career, I have to buy my own house. .whereas it is GOD who provides for our family by opening up means , GOD who favours us in our careers and GOD who gives us the earthly posessions.
I am reminded of the verse which says "He who has called you is faithful and he will do it" it is not for me to do it.. my part is to be obedient and you dig further in the scriptures it says "Obedience is better than sacrifice" . . I was meditatiing on the verse which says "the harvest is plenty but labourers are few" . .. and it got me thinking what would GOD say today if he looked at the world. . .
I know at this time of my life there are lot of people who look at me with gazed eyes thinking that I am being arrogant with a sense of "I am holy " attitude . .but I am not.. for me the simple answer to all that is GOD has called me to be doing what I am doing at this moment and thats all that matters.. how he will do it is not for me to ponder.. will he do it yes he will .. when will he do it.. in his own time . . . my part is to fully trust in HIM along the way and live the Life of integrity and obedience that I am called to live.
Many a times I have stopped myself from saying things that I would normally tell people. There are times when my EGO pops up and I am almost about to challenge my side of thinking but I have begin to realise that GOD in his own time will make it all plain and I dont have to always convince or give answers to people. There is still the feeling of standing alone while the crowd is moving the other side but there is also the sense that GOD is with me and as much as I feel I am standing alone I am not as HE has said HE will never leave me nor forsake me . .
Until next time stay blessed . .
Philippians 4:6-7
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
I see myself in situation where when I say I trust in GOD people think I am nuts.. it is almost like worldly, logically that I should have a firm foundation and then step into what GOD has in store for me. The last time I was faced with that question I thank GOD for revealing that my foundation as long as it is rooted in Christ nothing else matters. Somewhere we are made to think that GOD's work can wait till we find it right to finish all our earthly responsibilities, and forget that it is the same GOD who provides wherever we are. Somewhere in the busyness of our life and in the roles that we take in it has emerged that I have to provide for my family, I have to work on my career, I have to buy my own house. .whereas it is GOD who provides for our family by opening up means , GOD who favours us in our careers and GOD who gives us the earthly posessions.
I am reminded of the verse which says "He who has called you is faithful and he will do it" it is not for me to do it.. my part is to be obedient and you dig further in the scriptures it says "Obedience is better than sacrifice" . . I was meditatiing on the verse which says "the harvest is plenty but labourers are few" . .. and it got me thinking what would GOD say today if he looked at the world. . .
I know at this time of my life there are lot of people who look at me with gazed eyes thinking that I am being arrogant with a sense of "I am holy " attitude . .but I am not.. for me the simple answer to all that is GOD has called me to be doing what I am doing at this moment and thats all that matters.. how he will do it is not for me to ponder.. will he do it yes he will .. when will he do it.. in his own time . . . my part is to fully trust in HIM along the way and live the Life of integrity and obedience that I am called to live.
Many a times I have stopped myself from saying things that I would normally tell people. There are times when my EGO pops up and I am almost about to challenge my side of thinking but I have begin to realise that GOD in his own time will make it all plain and I dont have to always convince or give answers to people. There is still the feeling of standing alone while the crowd is moving the other side but there is also the sense that GOD is with me and as much as I feel I am standing alone I am not as HE has said HE will never leave me nor forsake me . .
Until next time stay blessed . .
Philippians 4:6-7
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.