Do better now my child !
Was sitting at home and thinking about my life over the years and remembered this poem and searched it and found it finally...
A Poem by a Schoolteacher Quoted by: Ravi Zacharias
He came to my desk with a quivering lip.
The lesson was done.
Have you a new sheet for me dear teacher?
I've spoiled this one.
I took his sheet all soiled and blotted,
gave him a new one, all unspotted,
and into his tired heart I cried,
"Do better now my child."
I went to the throne with a trembling heart.
The day was done.
Have you a new day for me dear Master?
I've spoiled this one.
He took my day all soiled and blotted,
gave me a new one, all unspotted,
and into my tired heart He cried,
"Do better now my child."
This is exactly how I feel when I go on my knees before GOD, sometimes with a trembling heart sometimes with a sad heart sometimes don't really know what to say and feel..but all GOD says is do better now my child.. My heart sure is tired now.. too tired infact that feels like I want to go to a mountain and sit in silence and talk to GOD....
Like to add a few lines from Ravi Zach's book the Grand Weaver.
""It is your heart in close communion with God that helps carry you through the pain, beyond the power of mere words. We went through a very tough time as a family over the last two years, and one of my daughters said to my wife and me, “Sometimes I wonder if God’s plan is a little bit like these GPS systems in our cars. You get off route and a voice tells you you’re on the wrong road—make a U-turn or make a left—and somehow it prompts you to get you back onto the main route. You might take the long way there but your destination is the same, and like the GPS, God calculates the way back.” I think it’s a brilliant analogy.
The children of Israel wandered around for forty years. It should have taken six weeks. God said, “Wrong route—get back here. Wrong route—get back here.” Our stiff-necked belief tells us we have it all together and so we don’t hear God’s direction. But in God’s grace He leads us back. My purpose here is simply to note the appointments God makes with each of us individually in the disappointments of our lives—both the threads that He brings in and the ones that He leaves out. That is where we will find the distinctive shape and imprint of the Grand Weaver. ""
God sure will take me where I have to be, needless of the wrong road I have taken, not that is not an excuse to travel and go where I want to. It sure is a thing of the heart the GPS will tell us but it is still our decision to take that road or find our own way. Now to my tired heart well have a good night ahead of me guess just have to cast all my cares on HIM and sleep in peace. Isnt that easy till you just figure it.