Is there ever really anything new about a new year?
2007 has come to an end. You go around the city, every shop is wishing you a happy new year,every friend wants to wish you the best. The new year buzz is all around.I read these lines in an article and it made me think Is there ever really anything new about a new year?
" The world is full of beginnings and endings.We begin a new year with a
certain hope--another year, another chance, a new day.But we carry
with us the same fears, the same longings, the same resolutions.Is there
ever really anything new about a new year? "

Many a times I feel I haven't seen my life in retrospect and seen the goodness of GOD. The excitement of the new year is there but so is the gratefulness of GOD's hand in my life during the old year.
I have lived in two countries over this year, half in one and half in the other, half the year with family and friends from church, half with friends in UK. One of the statements that I seem to be making often is "Time sure flies"
This year I don't know what I will still have, I am not sure if I will have my family my friends hmm even my 12 string guitar, but all that I know is I will still have Christ to cling on to and that's the assurance for the year that is gonna start, The New YEAR .
Maybe for people it may seem like a new ray of hope, but what will happen in January 2008 that hasn't happened in December 2007 we don't know but we still hope that it will more brighter than the day, month and year gone by.I don't mean to be pessimistic here but somewhere I feel I miss the truth of it all. I see people waiting to get a promise from the lord for the new year, and people looking forward to change their life style, get back loved ones, climb the ladder for some get married, for some year of jubilee. Well they said the same thing in 2007 but what GOD had planned happed the way he planned.
Well after all these years I have realized new year does not mean new beginning but it sure does mean that no matter how your year turns up GOD is still with you and maybe in Dec 2008 I will not get so excited about the new year but will get excited about the hand of GOD in my life during the year and be assured he is with me, even if I loose my job, friends, loved ones, material things list goes on.
" The world is full of beginnings and endings.We begin a new year with a
certain hope--another year, another chance, a new day.But we carry
with us the same fears, the same longings, the same resolutions.Is there
ever really anything new about a new year? "
Many a times I feel I haven't seen my life in retrospect and seen the goodness of GOD. The excitement of the new year is there but so is the gratefulness of GOD's hand in my life during the old year.
I have lived in two countries over this year, half in one and half in the other, half the year with family and friends from church, half with friends in UK. One of the statements that I seem to be making often is "Time sure flies"
This year I don't know what I will still have, I am not sure if I will have my family my friends hmm even my 12 string guitar, but all that I know is I will still have Christ to cling on to and that's the assurance for the year that is gonna start, The New YEAR .
Maybe for people it may seem like a new ray of hope, but what will happen in January 2008 that hasn't happened in December 2007 we don't know but we still hope that it will more brighter than the day, month and year gone by.I don't mean to be pessimistic here but somewhere I feel I miss the truth of it all. I see people waiting to get a promise from the lord for the new year, and people looking forward to change their life style, get back loved ones, climb the ladder for some get married, for some year of jubilee. Well they said the same thing in 2007 but what GOD had planned happed the way he planned.
Well after all these years I have realized new year does not mean new beginning but it sure does mean that no matter how your year turns up GOD is still with you and maybe in Dec 2008 I will not get so excited about the new year but will get excited about the hand of GOD in my life during the year and be assured he is with me, even if I loose my job, friends, loved ones, material things list goes on.