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What shapes a Parent

Recently I have been silently processing the death of Nabeel Qureshi, Aged 34 leaving behind his wife and a 2 year old daughter. I have met Nabeel when he was in Singapore and had no clue what God's plans for him were. Nabeel shares a lot about how he will not be able to be there for his daughter when she grows up. The space of "DAD" in the life of the daughter. The best he could do was a legacy of who he is and what he stood for.  My heart goes out to all parents who are alive and well but are yet to be able to play the space of "DAD/MOM" in their daughter’s life. This is what I have been processing. What shapes a Parent to be a parent? Does it always have to be a life-threatening disease to bring to light that one could have done more as a parent. Recently I was asked a question in a conference on future leaders. What is one thing that I will share with leaders when they lead future leaders. I said without a hesitation   “ Let us be careful not to s...

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