Snooze It ! ! till it becomes a way of life

Every morning it is a big struggle to wake up when the alarm rings. Whoever invented the snooze button must have not been a morning person.What a feeling it is to just snooze the alarm every 5 minutes till you get to the point where you really need to get out of bed. I was thinking about this while I was traveling to work one day. And realized there are times when I use the "Snooze " concept to what God wants me to do. Postponing, procrastinating, lazying around things that I know God has asked me to do. Which actually at one point was an answer to my request "Lord show me what you want me to do". It is interesting how many times that I tend to "Snooze" off God's will for my life but at the same time very eager to know the next step. It is almost like Lord I am still considering that thing you mentioned but in the meantime show me the plan for my future totally Ignoring what God has already asked me to do. I remember what Ravi Zach says " Obedience to known truth is crucial than the search for the unknown" . I remember in 1999 after I had finished Uni it came to light that I had actually missed four semesters which accounted to almost 21 papers that I had to clear. All along I was so focused on Christian activities and asking God's will for my life when I should have focused on what God had already laid in my hand. Praise God that he is true to his word that he can restore the lost years. But it was only after I finished my classes was I able to let God work in my life as now I have cleared the other step. Even in my journey as a Christian and having to make choices all along, Sometimes it is very draining as there are choices that can never be explained to people around you. I sometimes wonder why is God taking his time only to realize that he is waiting for me to Obey what he has already revealed. When it comes to things that God has intended for us it is wise not to "Snooze" it as it only causes us to delay what God has planned. Rather if we get it done then and there it becomes a joy and a sense of contentment that we are by HIS grace able to accomplish things for him. Even as you are reading this my prayer is that you will be able to take a few minutes to see what are the areas/things that God has shown you very clearly time and time again for you to do that you have been happily snoozing off. Hope that will also bring a sense of being obedient to God even as you respond to his Discipline. Watchman Nee summarizes this beautifully "Today, even amongst Christians, there can be found much of that spirit that wants to give as little as possible to the Lord, and yet to get as much as possible from Him. The prevailing thought today is of being used, as though that were the one thing that mattered. That my little rubber band should be stretched to the very limit seems all important. But this is not the Lord's mind. The Lord wants us to be used, yes; but what He is after is that we pour all we have, ourselves, to Him, and if that be all, that is enough" .


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