trod on the path that I treaded long ago

Last week was missions Sunday week in my Church. Throughout the day we had various events organised as part of it where during the services it was all focussed on missions. The evening service was internationals service which basically meant that it was run by the internationals team and we had also invited some international students for the service. I was asked to give my testimony during the service.

Life over the last 10 years itself is a testimony and to confine that within a span of 5 minutes was a daunting task. Every time I share my testimony I only share bits a pieces and parts that which I feel GOD leads me into sharing. This time it was the decision that I had to take couple of months ago. A decision that has been difficult but worthwhile. Either to go back home and start off with a nice job which was ready and waiting or volunteer with Friends international and use my next one year of working time in the UK working with International students.

I am glad I shared my testimony as I could see how GOD had guided me clearly even though I was confused, impatient, taking the wide road and falling way short of his standards. I am constantly amazed at GOD's guidance and willingness to work in me and through me. When I quit my Job in India and came back to the UK, there were other reasons too but the heart of the matter was I was struggling deep inside as to what I was pursuing. Is it the career that I think I wanted or has GOD got something else for me. 8 months till April was a very difficult time emotionally, financially and spiritually. Absolutely confused as to where my life was heading, am in the right place am I missing out on what GOD has planned..

IN the morning service I was playing the bass and there was one song which touched my heart and encouraged me .. I couldn’t but think of HIS Love that has always been there following me and helping me come back to HIM . .

There's a wide-ness in God's mercy,
like the wide-ness of the sea;
there's a kind-ness in true justice,
which is more than liberty.
For the love di-vine is broader
than the mea-sure of our mind;
and the heart of the Eternal
is most wonderfully kind.

I have enjoyed my time here in Cardiff,, though I have recently missed being at home and enjoying the simple pleasures in life which comes in living with mum and dad. I have missed my favourite uncle and aunt and wonder how they are doing. Wish I could do a sneak visit in to their lifes and just see that they are all ok.

It is always “amazing grace" that has helped me tread the path that I trod years ago . . and it will be HIS GRACE that will continue to help me tread the path that I need to. Until Next time stay blessed. - Jasper


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