A matter of heart
There are times when I grabble with some ideas or thoughts. It just doesn’t go away from my mind. One of which was the conversation between Michelangelo and his teacher. Michelangelo struggled with the unclothed body but justified it by saying he wanted to see man as God sees man. He justified it when his teacher saw his paintings and asked him what he was doing. His teacher replied saying “but you are not God”. What got me thinking was what, is the truth in the statement. Why is that we can’t see human beings as God sees. This question came back and forth in my mind for a few days.
And one morning when I was on the escalator rushing out from the train to catch the bus I got reminded of a verse. “ Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks into your heart” . That’s why we cant see the way God see’s. I can’t and won’t know another person’s heart no matter how close I am there is that very clear fact that only God knows a human’s heart. Well that is a big relief in many ways. Just cause someone draws the physical naked appearance of an individual does not mean he can see as God sees. How easy it is to get disillusioned in many ways to see as God sees. I have heard some in wanting to be as God wants them to be become God themselves in their minds. Self righteousness props out in most conversations and justifies by saying I want to do it as God does. That’s why it is a matter of heart and one which cannot fake itself before God.

It was such an encouragement to me that day of having had that answer. But it did not stop there I started to think what else does God asks us to do the way he does. The only verse that popped my mind is the one in
John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
Some one said “Love is hard work” and as days go by I realize it sure is hard work. I know it can be argued in many ways if Love is something nice then why is it hard work. If love is hard work then it cant be love etc. Many a times I have stopped and thought how can I love this person, this is what he said about me, this is how he treats me and this is how he trusts me. And it is and that point I realize that love is really hard work but one worth pursuing as it is something God asks us to do without any black and white lines.
And one morning when I was on the escalator rushing out from the train to catch the bus I got reminded of a verse. “ Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks into your heart” . That’s why we cant see the way God see’s. I can’t and won’t know another person’s heart no matter how close I am there is that very clear fact that only God knows a human’s heart. Well that is a big relief in many ways. Just cause someone draws the physical naked appearance of an individual does not mean he can see as God sees. How easy it is to get disillusioned in many ways to see as God sees. I have heard some in wanting to be as God wants them to be become God themselves in their minds. Self righteousness props out in most conversations and justifies by saying I want to do it as God does. That’s why it is a matter of heart and one which cannot fake itself before God.

It was such an encouragement to me that day of having had that answer. But it did not stop there I started to think what else does God asks us to do the way he does. The only verse that popped my mind is the one in
John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
Some one said “Love is hard work” and as days go by I realize it sure is hard work. I know it can be argued in many ways if Love is something nice then why is it hard work. If love is hard work then it cant be love etc. Many a times I have stopped and thought how can I love this person, this is what he said about me, this is how he treats me and this is how he trusts me. And it is and that point I realize that love is really hard work but one worth pursuing as it is something God asks us to do without any black and white lines.