Hare and thare to here I am and now God
"Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,Seal it for Thy courts above"

I came home to realize one evening that there were at least 12 books lying around in my room. I had started reading but not finished even a single one over the last 2 months. It suddenly dawned hmm my routines have changed here. Last few weeks has been a busy with lot of things happening which has taken my time. It has been hard to find that time for myself where I can sit in calmness and reflect on day to day things and enjoy reading a book. I have met and said good bye’s to friends some who I may never meet again.
Well looking back all the things that filled my time were important things, but how did I fit it all in ? I realised that I have spent time with friends, done the things that I would do each week and also added few other things all working towards being there and reaching out but the only thing that got missed out was my time with the Lord. That personal communion in prayer and reading got replaced with busyness of day to day life. And before I realize I am worn out and tired and almost about to be drained in my own struggles of living life.
It is a constant struggle to keep that time with God and talk with him all my thoughts, desires and ambitions. Suddenly all the expectations around me is overwhelming , expectations from me as a Son first then as a brother then as a friend and then finally the expectations from God out of love for me in me being his child. Even though at time I feel that I am standing alone in a journey his comfort engulfs and his word lights my path.
What a joyous feeling it is to come every time to God just as I am, every time I have fallen short of his standards , every time I have kept him waiting to talk to me , teach me, counsel me, all that I do is come just as I am and start talking to him. Knowing that I cannot neglect my walk with the lord and remembering that everything I do hinges on my relationship with the Lord helps when life gets busy and hours gets filled in. To realize that it is me who has missed out on fellowship with God in not making that time is a nice starter.
Like what it says in 1 Peter 2:2-3 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good”. And first sign of backsliding is when I find myself losing that craving for God’s word and everything else occupies my mind. And Word of God says in Proverbs 1:23 "Turn to me when I warn you. I will generously pour out my spirit for you. I will make my words known to you”. When we turn to God he will make his words known to us and all that demands that personal communion with him.
May God be gracious to us when we lose that craving for his word and start to crave other things and bring us back to him, so that his love and the longing for his fellowship will rule our hearts. It is not a new truth it is an old truth but that which can me missed out in the busyness of our lifes.
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,Seal it for Thy courts above"
I came home to realize one evening that there were at least 12 books lying around in my room. I had started reading but not finished even a single one over the last 2 months. It suddenly dawned hmm my routines have changed here. Last few weeks has been a busy with lot of things happening which has taken my time. It has been hard to find that time for myself where I can sit in calmness and reflect on day to day things and enjoy reading a book. I have met and said good bye’s to friends some who I may never meet again.
Well looking back all the things that filled my time were important things, but how did I fit it all in ? I realised that I have spent time with friends, done the things that I would do each week and also added few other things all working towards being there and reaching out but the only thing that got missed out was my time with the Lord. That personal communion in prayer and reading got replaced with busyness of day to day life. And before I realize I am worn out and tired and almost about to be drained in my own struggles of living life.
It is a constant struggle to keep that time with God and talk with him all my thoughts, desires and ambitions. Suddenly all the expectations around me is overwhelming , expectations from me as a Son first then as a brother then as a friend and then finally the expectations from God out of love for me in me being his child. Even though at time I feel that I am standing alone in a journey his comfort engulfs and his word lights my path.
What a joyous feeling it is to come every time to God just as I am, every time I have fallen short of his standards , every time I have kept him waiting to talk to me , teach me, counsel me, all that I do is come just as I am and start talking to him. Knowing that I cannot neglect my walk with the lord and remembering that everything I do hinges on my relationship with the Lord helps when life gets busy and hours gets filled in. To realize that it is me who has missed out on fellowship with God in not making that time is a nice starter.
Like what it says in 1 Peter 2:2-3 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good”. And first sign of backsliding is when I find myself losing that craving for God’s word and everything else occupies my mind. And Word of God says in Proverbs 1:23 "Turn to me when I warn you. I will generously pour out my spirit for you. I will make my words known to you”. When we turn to God he will make his words known to us and all that demands that personal communion with him.
May God be gracious to us when we lose that craving for his word and start to crave other things and bring us back to him, so that his love and the longing for his fellowship will rule our hearts. It is not a new truth it is an old truth but that which can me missed out in the busyness of our lifes.