When God knows best !
There are moments when I feel "God do you surely know what you are doing- this could be the best thing for me" even though I don’t say it I do feel that way. There are times when you hear people's stories and then walk out thinking God maybe you got it wrong that was the best for both of them. Peter did that when Jesus transfigured before them. He was literally telling Jesus what to do. It so true in my humanness I many a times fail to see and commit to the fact that God knows best.
There has been many a times when in retrospect I have fully appreciated God's decision's and leading in my life but when it comes to the here and now it is always a struggle. At a time when thinking about total surrender it strikes me that till I come to the point where even in my humanness I say and feel that God knows what he is doing and he knows what is best it is then that I have arrived at a point of total surrender.
I sure feel a bit daunted with the task ahead of me. When I received my visa last week, there was the sense of silence in my heart saying God I really really feel inadequate and I can’t do this without you being more patient with me. The whole sense of new place, new people, and new circumstances suddenly seem to become a mountain that I don’t want to climb. I want to be in a familiar place amongst familiar people and do familiar things. But it is nice to know that I can be honest before God and share my struggles and ask comfort and strength. Thank God for the burden for lost souls that he has entrusted to us. Each day passes by and somewhere , someone is dying without knowing who Jesus is. It will be worth it all. Our labour in God does not go in vain is the promise he gives us and that is enough. No matter where, what , when , who we are surrounded with God is still there. Place, people, and circumstances will always change but God changes not and his comfort is promised even in the darkest times.
This evening in church the last song we sung was when I survey the wondrous cross and I could not but thank God for what he did on the cross.
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
The prince of Glory died, only to give me life. It persuades me to hang in there and travel on and feel Good, humble and honest in saying “ God knows best and his timing is perfect” .
There has been many a times when in retrospect I have fully appreciated God's decision's and leading in my life but when it comes to the here and now it is always a struggle. At a time when thinking about total surrender it strikes me that till I come to the point where even in my humanness I say and feel that God knows what he is doing and he knows what is best it is then that I have arrived at a point of total surrender.
I sure feel a bit daunted with the task ahead of me. When I received my visa last week, there was the sense of silence in my heart saying God I really really feel inadequate and I can’t do this without you being more patient with me. The whole sense of new place, new people, and new circumstances suddenly seem to become a mountain that I don’t want to climb. I want to be in a familiar place amongst familiar people and do familiar things. But it is nice to know that I can be honest before God and share my struggles and ask comfort and strength. Thank God for the burden for lost souls that he has entrusted to us. Each day passes by and somewhere , someone is dying without knowing who Jesus is. It will be worth it all. Our labour in God does not go in vain is the promise he gives us and that is enough. No matter where, what , when , who we are surrounded with God is still there. Place, people, and circumstances will always change but God changes not and his comfort is promised even in the darkest times.
This evening in church the last song we sung was when I survey the wondrous cross and I could not but thank God for what he did on the cross.
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
The prince of Glory died, only to give me life. It persuades me to hang in there and travel on and feel Good, humble and honest in saying “ God knows best and his timing is perfect” .